Toilet pictograms
Personal project
Freestyle vs grid
Berlin, 2024
Personal project
Freestyle vs grid
Berlin, 2024
As a designer, I usually freestyle my pictograms, but lately I've been curious about using grids for a more structured approach. Confusing gendered bathroom signs sparked a project to design gender-neutral toilet pictograms (sitting, squat, urinal). Focusing on the user's back for each pictogram ensured neutrality, but when it came to the figures themselves, freestyling felt more natural. This project showed me that the best design method depends on the element you're creating.
I wrote an article about it on Medium, have a look !

Sitting toilet pictogram (1) Original version (2) Re-worked with a grid (3) Notable changes

Squat toilet pictogram (1) Original version (2) Re-worked with a grid (3) Notable changes

Pissoir pictogram (1) Original version (2) Re-worked with a grid
By the way,
Pictograms are available for sale as assets
individually or as a pack — EPS + PDF files
personal or commercial licences
Pictograms are available for sale as assets
individually or as a pack — EPS + PDF files
personal or commercial licences